From any angle, the exterior with its stacked levels and warm wood is modern without any of the minimalist foreboding that can imply. A second level deck complete with its own open skylight is a fun and relaxing space to enjoy morning coffee or evening cocktails.

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As with many beachfront neighborhoods, the architects were forced to deal with the reality of many homes packed closely together as well as clients who want to feel like they have their own private ocean. By including tall walls that separate the house from its neighbors but still have gaps and glimpses, inside the home can really feel like its own private island.

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The ocean views are not only aesthetically stunning, but provide cool breezes that filter into the open design and keep the space cool even during hot months.

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The interior is on trend with plenty of clean lines and cozy neutrals without getting too trendy and thereby veering away from the timeless. Instead, linens and earth tones keep things warm and perfect all year round, not betraying any generational preferences or quirks.

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The gorgeous house is also constructed in such a welcoming and stylish way that the owners have also made it rentable, so they can supplement their income and enjoy their beachside lifestyle for many years to come.
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