The outdoor space of the home emphasizes curves, ellipses, semicircles, even bringing these smooth rounded edges to thepool design. The curves make the open space feel even bigger than it is, inviting comparison to the natural (but manicured) expanses that surround the house.

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Four concrete supports hold up the curved roof, but they nearly disappear into the design because of the way the facade is allowed to melt into them.

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Inside the home, everything feels open with air and light flowing from one side of the house to the other easily. Minimalfurniture serves to open up the space even further on both levels. Colors are kept to a minimum as well, with shades ofwhite and gray making up most of the home. From every angle, occupants can look out onto the garden or surrounding greenery, giving the home a feeling of being both at one with and entirely removed from its natural surroundings.

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20 |The luxury materials that make up the home, from cool white marble to smooth concrete have a simple elegance to them.

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20 |The luxury materials that make up the home, from cool white marble to smooth concrete have a simple elegance to them.
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